Uprootedness Exhibiton
Venue: 310 NXRd, London, SE14 6AF
9 June – 12 June 2017
Private View: Thursday 8 June, 7.00–9.30pm
Uprootedness is a month-long exhibition programme addressing the condition of
uprootedness as both a pressing social political issue and a reflection of artists’
personal experiences of displacement. Consisting of three exhibitions and one
performance night, the programme brings together artists from diverse cultural
backgrounds, facilitating open dialogues that result in intensive collaborations
and productive discourses.
Responding to the recent surge of nationalism, the programme aims to extend the
discussions beyond the pessimistic account of uprootedness as pathology of
globalisation. The artists are invited to investigate the transformative potentials
of the perpetual movement implied by uprootedness. Drawing on the concept of
‘hybridity’ by Homi Bhabha and ‘nomadic identity’ by Chantal Mouffe, the
programme aims to further the exploration of identity as a multifaceted and
ever-changing result of constant interactions.
Participating artists:
Mariana BISTI, Daithi DUBHMOR, Steven MORGANA, Roel VAN PUTTEN, and Katja VERHEUL.
Styr Fry Papaya (Zi HAN, Jessica CSK, Francesco MILAN, Camille JAMAIS).