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Timber Rising Exhibition

Following last year's show in Roca London Gallery (2017), "Wěndìng Fánróng" will be travelling and exhibited in the upcoming 'Timber Rising - Vertical Visions fro the cities of Tomorrow' exhibition in Roca Barcelona Gallery, curated by Clare Farrow and Eva Wood.

'As urban areas become more densely occupied and land prices soar, it seems that the only choice is to build upwards. New luxury towers built of concrete, steel and glass present exciting and symbolic visions of this future, a penetration of the clouds. But there is also a flip-side. Cities already account for 75 per cent of global pollution and consumption of non-renewable resources.

In addition to the statistics are the realities of human nature and psychology: tower blocks are often associated with poverty, social problems, dangers and isolation, more so now than ever following the tragedy and scandal of Grenfell Tower. People innately fear a loss of privacy, individuality, and contact with nature, and equally the prospect of being forced out of cities as the cost of buying or renting becomes more and more inaccessible.

Timber Rising focuses on the most significant mass timber solutions to date, looking to a future where wood will ultimately determine new types of structures. Examples of completed projects will sit alongside more ambitious concept and research proposals, showing what is possible today, and what will be possible - with changing building codes and new thinking by developers, governments and the construction industry - for the cities of tomorrow.'

Opening: 28 February, 7 p.m.

Duration: 28.2 - 25.5.2019

Visiting hours: 10am - 8pm

Roca Barcelona Gallery

Joan Güell 211-213 08028


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